“Dadography” blogger praises Blake’s role in bris

Daniel Sean Kaye blogged about Emily’s role in his son’s bris in his April, 2004 “Dadography” column.

“Speaking of God I should tell you that Aidan came through his bris like a champ.  There we were, a horde of friends and family all waiting for the important religious ritual where, well, a part of him is removed, and he makes barely a squeak through the event.


I put the credit squarely on the shoulders of mohel Emily Blake, M.D., and her assistant Karen, both of whom did a terrific job comforting the boy (not to mention his pale and sweaty parents) as the whole thing occurred.


That day was an interesting one, filled with many people and a fair level of anxiety.  It also reminded me why I have a hard time with my extended family.  There were too many people together who didn’t like each other, with so many expectations of how important they were in the scheme of things.  For years I was so good at keeping my distance with an artificial grin and I nod, but the introduction of Aidan has brought people out of the woodwork – people not that important in my life before but who now think they are crucial.


Dr. Blake helped me with this, reminding me of my important role as Aidan’s teacher and gently suggesting that I not worry so much about what this relative or that relative had to say about the way we raise our son.  During the service, she spoke of love and acceptance, and about the need to be positive and hopeful – all of us – especially when reacting to Aidan.  She explained the need to keep the focus on the good and to be honest and loving, no matter the situation.


Through the lack of sleep and dealing with wailing and grunting, it all comes down to one basic fact I keep close to my heart – my main family now is Wendy and Aidan.  The others may help – and may have suggestions galore – but in the dark of night, it’s just the three of us (and the cats). And that’s a joyous little fact I’d happily give up some sleep to maintain.”


LA Times reporter explains why he chose Blake as son’s mohel